Tuesday, August 24, 2010

S.o. w.h.a.t.!!

If i keep continue silent!
so what?
what would u do?
it doesn't matter anymore..
i juz dont care!
i really mean it..
pk dong..if my attitude buruk!
juz blah from my life..
what u waiting for..
pusing aku!


Setelah berkali-kali
aku lali..penat
muak, bosan!
ntah apa lagi perlu aku hadapi..?
ntah bila akan berakhir all this bullshit..
tidak pernah ada penghujungnya..
sentiasa berulang2!

Monday, August 23, 2010


What u give u get back!
rite babe!
that's KARMA
saya sayang awak!

p/s:- try dgr lagu ni BEST..haha
Fabrizio Faniello - I no can do

Saturday, August 21, 2010


1. What is your name and nickname?
- Mohd Nur Firdaus bin Mohd Zamri @ daus!

2. How old are you?
- 24

3. Gender?
- Male

4. Most like! ( 1 Only )
i. Food
- Curry Mee

ii. Drink
- Ice Lemon

iii. Color
- White

iv. Part of Body
- My Cock..hahaha ;p

5. Most dislike! ( 1 only )

i. Animal
- i HATE rat!

ii. Car
- proton juara! oppss

iii. Artist
- **********

6. Which one u prefer & y?

( Male Section! if female skip this Q!)

i. Boxer or Underwear!
- Boxer and Underwear..hahaha! I Like to wear both, cannot choose lol~

( Female Section! if male skip this Q!)

ii. Panties or G-string!

( Both Section )

iii. Toyota or Honda!
- Honda, gorgeous!

iv. Bali or Phuket!
- Bali bcoz Indonesia! mudah ngomong kali!

v. KFC or McDonald!
- KFC! Love the chicken! nyum nyum

vi. Perodua or Proton!
- Proton! more options than Perodua

vii. Miami or L.A!
- Miami coz near the beach!

7. Do you

i. Smoking?
- Nop

ii. Alcoholic?
- Nop

iii. Drug Addict?
- Nop

iv. Having Sex?
- Nop

8. Do you

i. Have gf or bf? Who is she/he?
- yes, die already! hahaha ( Single lol )

ii. Have best friend? Do i know him/her?
- Not yet discover! hahaha.. Maybe!

iii. play music?
- Guitar...lalala

iv. Handsome or Beautiful!
- Ugly!

9. Your Music Genre?
- All kind of music as long as nice to listen!

10. Your Ambition when u in standard 1!
- Forget already! Maybe a doctor!

11. If someone asking u to do something outrageous! You?
- Will consider! If having sex, i would! hahaha

12. If u a billionaire, you?
- I love kids so i will use the money to help them especially the orphan!

13. Your Opinion about this questionaire?
- bullshit! haha~

I. l.o.v.e. P.H.O.T.O.G.R.A.P.H.Y.~!

Aku suka photography
Aku suka 'shoot'!
walaupun xpandai sgt!
Aku suka di 'shoot'!
walaupun tak kacak!
Aku suka edit gambar!
walaupun xhebat sgt!
papepun semuanya ttg photography!
Walaupun aku tidak mempunyai DSLR!
Tumpang kwn aje! haha..
Pernah la guna Nikon D5000 & D60!

Antara gambar yg aku 'shoot'

strawberry yg masam!

cactus yg chumel!

ladang tea yg kehijauan!

satay di Satay Station! nyum nyum~

Antara gambar yg aku di 'shoot'


Malaysia Next Top Male Model..hahah

Malaysia Next Top Male Model..in my dream only!

R.e.a.l. M.e.~!

Bila org lain yg xpernah kenal aku, baca blog aku ni..
pasti dieorg ingat aku ni seorang yg emosional!
mcm2 aku merepek kat sini..apa boleh buat!
ni je la tempat aku layan feeling!
ermm, ermmm, ermmm,
hahaa..sebenarnya aku ni Happy GO Lucky!
biol, sewel, masuk air, gila2 remaja!
mereng, kecoh, havoq, meriah! dll!

ntah berapa kali nk explain la kan...
tp kerana mengenangkan dunia nk kiamat ni..
aku jadi bengong sket! hahaha..
mengenangkan manusia yang buta hati..
lupa diri! bla...bla...bla...
so klu nk kenal aku add fb ye
mistadausz@rocketmail.com ( firdaus Zamri )
gagagagaga lady gaga!
gaga means nyanyuk keh! haha
okey chow air cincau...


Adakah aku terlalu mengambil port dlm frenship!
Salah ke aku bersifat begini..
dedicated 101% to frenship!
very excited!
so nice!

Alangkah bgsnya klu aku boleh ubah sikap aku!
be more ignoring..
wat bodoh.
i'm such an idiot~
hmm whatever!


Ini kesinambungan entry aku yg b'tajuk 'missed called'
So aku ingatkan bila aku xlayan..da lama menyepi..dieorg pasrah!
td tetiba je 1 missed call dr manusia tu
then anta msj 'nk email aku'
bila aku tny nk watpe..
dia juz jwb nk add je!
then bila aku tny lg ko nk add apa!
trus not reply!
aku mmg da taw perangai manusia ni...dia pun cam r&r jugak
dtg & pergi sesuka hati! tu aku mls nk layan..
time dia cari aku, aku reply elok2..
tp time aku...dia ignore je..
xtaw la manusia jenis apa..bila nk something cari..
hmm bikin aku panas saja!

F.e.d. u.p.~!

Sudah cukup kesempatan yang aku beri!
Ternyata tiada bezanya..
masih juga sama!
buta hati agaknya..
Dia ingat aku apa!
R&R tempat persinggahan..
datang & pergi sesuka hati..
Alasan yang sama sahaja!
Walhal dia juga yg mau berbaik dgn aku!
Buktikan kata-kata itu tulus! ikhlas..
bukan sekadar omong kosong..!
ya udah, semuanya sudah terlambat!
aku Fed up!
Lantak kau Lah!
aku capet!

p/s:- try to be nice to everyone but in the end aku yg rugi!

A.l.a.i. K.u.r.i.s.!

So Sepanjang aku deactivated account fb! dlm 2 minggu kot..
hny sorang je sahabat perasan aku menghilang lalu meng'sms' aku!

dia:- Weh daus mane pegi fb ko??ke ko remove aku..sedeh gila.
aku:- eh, erm mana ada..aku juz deactivate my fb account lol~ napa rindu aku ek?
dia:- Owh ye ke..igtkn ko remove aku..haha..asl deactivate ??
Rindu la jugk..lame gile xjumpe ko..haha

and the msg continue dgn tny la mcm2..watpe, sehatke..bla3....
so seramai 200++ frens aku in fb hanya sorang je noticed aku menghilang!
mungkin ada yg noticed tp wat bodoh je..
tp xkesah la..aku mmg xde tempat dlm hati dieorg!
ginilah nasib org macam aku...! tp
apa boleh buat tahi kambing bulat kan!

hahaha..hmm back to the sahabat yg ingat aku tu...
actually aku knal ngan dia br je 6 bulan ++ ( masa keje isetan klcc )
alkisahnya dia ni part time promoter lacoste import dr luar!
masa tu brand Lacoste wat fair 8hari dlm isetan!
dia budak lepasan spm..bekerja sementara tggu result!
lgpun 8 hari je kot..kire aku la handle kan..sbb aku supervisor!
masa dia keje dlm isetan tu xde la beria2 pun knal..
nak dijadikan cerita...hari terakhir dieorg kat isetan ( end of the fair! )
aku terserempak dgn dia n the gang kat dpn roti boy..
( hny org pernah g klcc je taw..haha )

time tu aku nk blk rumah..so tegur2 lah an...
masa tu dia b'3! So lg 2 balik naik bas..tinggal la dia sorang
kebetulan aku ngan dia blk naik tren...so dlm tren lepak sesama!
tp aku turun lu kat stesen masjid jamek! dia trn kl sentral!
so sblum aku turun tu dia ask for my phone no.!
aku kasi la...dlm tren ( star ) dia msj aku!

dia:- ni budak yg dlm tren td..haha

tu je 1st msj yg aku ingat dia anta..lebih kurang cm2 la! then mlm tu jugak aku add dia kat fb n ym! so sejak da add kat fb..da xmsj sgt la..sume kat fb or ym! and itu lah hari terakhir aku jumpa dia..ada jugak plan nk ketemu..tp tidak kesampaian..

so moral of the story, kwn br jugak yg hargai aku..
kwn lama..wat bodoh sudah!
ok dats so duniawi!


Lama aku xupdate blog kan!
tggu jap ye..
nah aku post 'sejuta' entry
biar lebam korang baca!
klu baca la..
ok take ur time!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

M.i.s.s.e.d. C.a.l.l.s.~!

Lately, i try to avoid some people!
dats y i always switch off my handphone!
as usual msg in, "You hv missed calls from bla3"
sometimes when i switch on my handphone
this number also keep calling!
the problem is i don't want to answer..
i dunno y...i dun hv any specific reason!
i noe dis action might hurt them feeling!
but i juz not ready yet!
give me some time!
btw the calling were from two different person!
one of them sent me sms said "knp ko wat aku cmni?"
ntah la..
serba salah aku dibuatnya!
and now they stop calling me!
hmm i dunno what to do..
so i juz let it be..

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


di Bulan
RAMADHAN al Mubarak!