Sunday, February 20, 2011

W.h.a.t. t.h.e.~?

My highest education is Diploma !
Diploma In Multimedia
My CGPA is 3.23
[not to show off..normal result je]
But what's the point of this?
If i can't get job in my field!
Normally employer will ask about my experience!
What the....i'm Fresh Graduate..!!
Where the hell i get job experience!!
That's why since graduation,
I've been working in Retail Field because
they understand/hired people like me
So why other company/employer
can't except Fresh Graduates
that's why too many people

Saturday, February 19, 2011


When i read my previous blog entry..
I feel so stupid! So damn idiot! OPPSSS~
Hahaha..but it all was the past thing
Besides, it have pro and cons
it show that I'm growing up as a matured man! [Ahakz?]
Learn from the past. Learn from mistakes!
No more hard feeling!
All i need to do is focusing on my CAREER
my FUTURE & my LIFE!
By the way
I'm Happy with my life right now even
i have so much problem!
turn to Almighty ALLAH s.w.t!


Ntah kenapa aku rasa rindu pd certain people lah!!
T'sangat2lah rindu!
Cam lirik lagu Arrow
"Dah lama tak berjumpa rindu rasa hati
inginku bertemu denganmu"

Xpelah pendam je la
Xmati pun! kan
Apa boleh buat..
Bukan senang nk rindu merindui neh..
So aku nk jeritttt


Once upon a time in Kuantan!
Aku ondaway lepak kat Taj ( mapley )
then suddenly ada sorang mamat nih..
dari jauh dia senyum
semakin dekat dia cuba m'hampiri..
tiba2 dia bersalaman
tanya aku..(aku dah xingat apa yg dia tny!)
Since kejadian aneh itu..setiap kali jika aku ketemu dia
dia senyum, angkat tangan!
klu dekat dia cuba bersalaman dgn aku
( aku elak wat2 xknal/xnampak)
Masalahnya sapakah gerangan lelaki itu..??
bila masakah aku berkenalan dgn dia..
adakah aku pelanduk 2 serupa rakan diaa??

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

L.a.m.a. d.a.h!

Lama dah tak
i. tgk wayang
ii. membeli belah
iii. main bowling
iv. photography!
v. gi KL..haha

i have no life~

Monday, February 14, 2011


klu Beckham yg test xpe..haha!

Yesterday, one customer trying underwear!
What the fish! What a surprise..
So "clever"
As a normal person we should have know that
all undergarment's cannot be try due
to hygiene matter!
I don't know which planet he came from!
Very funny~
Peak of the situation, he not bought that underwear! huh~
eee yark~disgusting! So moral of the story, if u buy underwear
please wash before use! hahahaha
and for underwear promoter's please put
reminder at all your rack!
in case another ALIEN come to buy "tai fu"

tai fu = underwear!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

D.o.n.t. K.i.l.l. U.s.~!!


Please stay away from us!
Don't smoke in public area!
Don't let us CURSING you!
I don't hate smokers
but sometimes i DO!
b'coz they don't understand!
Blowing the cigarette smokes
without CARE people around!
if u want to die,
die alone! don't bring us together~!

sincere message brought to you by FIRDAUS~


Friday, February 11, 2011

N.o. .L.I.F.E.~!

U know what?
working in Retail Field means no LIFE!
Working 8 hours per day
if FULL DAY 10 hours
SHIFT morning or Afternoon!
26 day per month!
Off day in weekdays!
Can u imagine??
Arghhhhh tension~

During my off day
I've been sitting in my house
eat, watching t.v and sleep!
During Solat time only I'm off to mosque..
and next day back to normal routine!
Only tough people like me
can work in Retail field..
hahaha :))


Eh guys, i'm totally weird bout my 'CHAT BOX'
U see? too many people write on it!
Who are they??
Real person ? Spammers ? Virus ?
I'm appreciate what they write..
but i'm confuse..
So guys out there please help me..
How to stop it if that are spammers or virus!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Aku baru je apply SPA utk kali keberapa pun aku tak taw lah~
Tp kali ni aku akan berjuang b'sungguh-sungguh
supaya aku m'dpt kerja yg lebih better!
Hopefully adalah rezeki utk aku bekerja disektor awam..
Lebih terjamin, Masa depan pun cerah!
Doakan aku ye!

"Ya ALLAH Ya Rahman Ya Rahim"
Perkenankanlah permintaan hamba mu ini


Alhamdulillah ada juga sinar diatas permasalahan aku ini..
aku hanya menghitung hari menunggu duit masuk (di bank in )
walaupun begitu aku ttp b'debar selagi semua belum settle..
Papepun Terima Kasih Allah S.w.t. ( Alhamdulillah )

p/s:- penantian yg penuh debaran!

Monday, February 7, 2011

T.h.i.s. W.e.e.k.~!

Masalah minggu ini ialah Wang~Selagi duit itu tidak ada ditangan selagi itu hidup aku resah!! Aku perlu selesaikan dengan segera masalah itu supaya tidurku lena..Walaupun aku ketawa bagai hilang akal tapi sebenarnya itu hanya untuk melenyapkan kerisauan dihati...setelah berhenti ketawa fikiran aku tertumpu lagi pada mslh itu...kadang2 aku rasa mau pinjam ceti shj! tp aku masih WARAS! walaupun pinjaman wang berlesen pun aku takut! Segala yang terjadi memang salah aku..aku bodoh! tapi aku bukan manusia sempurna! ah persetankan semua itu..segalanya sudah terlambat...dah berlaku dah pun...aku tidak punya banyak waktu lagi...jika tidak habislah masa depan aku!! hmm~

p/s:- sesiapa yang sudi membantu menyelesaikan masalah kewangan aku sila call aku a.s.a.p!

T.h.a.n.k. Y.o.u. ALLAH~

Lately i have so much problems
at one time, i feel give up
i'm down!
it just like the end of the road!
no way out~

But i know, i have another options..
turn to ALLAH s.w.t..
so i raise my hand pray to ALLAH s.w.t
seek HIS guidance!
Alhamdulillah, He show me the way..
Thank you ALLAH s.w.t..


Lately i have so much problems..
especially my financial!
oh Allah, how do i face this situation?
i'm so dizzy, worry, tension
this problem make me stress!

Mara Loan, bla3..
ohh i'm down..
Oh Allah only you can help me find way out..
please show me the way..
"Ya ALLAH Ya Rahman Ya Rahim"
Murahkanlah rezeki hambamu ini!

to be continue!