Thursday, January 29, 2009


Juz 2 share wit u all what i'm doing Jan 2009!
  1. Playing PC game Life 4 Dead Everyday- u shud try dis game!
  2. Playing Myspace Game Everyday - Poker Palace
  3. Listen to Avenged Sevenfold Everyday- yeah!
  4. Formatting PC, Setup Network & Installing Software - earn money from dat ( part time job )
  5. Eating Pizza & McD frequently - Frens paid!
  6. Lepaking TC ( Teluk Chempedak ) - Every Week
  7. Karoke yeah~! ( Try nyanyi lagu Ziana Zain - Dingin ) ;D
  8. Prepare document for IPTA applications! (not settle yet )
  9. Went 2 Kemaman at 3A.M in da morning wit no purpose! Following my 2 crazee frens...what the?? ;p
  10. Watching Sinetron JELITA ( compulsory ) hahhaa
  11. etc!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Thanx u very much buddy ~ even it's hard to face da reality dat everything is not da same anymore! Everything hv change from A to Z! i hv 2 face it even it is very painful to me.., i try to move on ~ if u can, probably i can too..probably! But deep inside of my heart i noe dat i'm not gonna change anything...I hv no strength! For me everything seems juz fading away.. But i promise to myself to give the best i could give, no matter i dun get anything in the end... Whatever it is, let me keep the memories along alone until da day of my last breath! Not juz memories but all ur promises & sweet word... ;D

Monday, January 19, 2009

E.n.g.l.i.s.h. V.e.r.s.i.o.n.~!

What does your birth month say about you?

  1. Foresighted ( maybe ) ( see no 11. )
  2. Get easily worried ( true ) ( see no 9. maybe )
  3. Quiet talkative ( so? ) ( see no 8. )
  4. Very Friendly ( yea of coz ) ( see no 6. )
  5. Stylish & fashionable ( u think? ) ( see no 10. )
  6. Soft Spoken & Polite ( yeah! ) ( see no 12. )
  7. Warm & Considerate towards people ( absolutely )
  8. Great sense of humor ( King of humor ) ( see no 3. )
  9. Quite Sensitive ( depends ) ( see no 2. )
  10. Star in the crowd ( u decide ) ( see no 5 & 8 )
  11. Active & Visionary thinker ( sometimes la ) ( see no 1. )
  12. Kind & Generous ( all da time ) ( see no 4,6,7 )
  13. Loyal Lover ( see? )
  14. Love to debate ( hahaha ) ( see no 3. )
  15. Love the finer things of life ( every1 does )

see how they judge JUNE people?? i dunno bout other June's but for me its quite's really describe myself..who am i really am! not to praise my ownself but dis is da fact...da real of me... Each character related to each other..To those who befrenz wit me they noe da real of me & they not 'rugi' at all coz i hv give my very best to its up 2 u 2 judge...okey~!!

M.a.l.a.y. V.e.r.s.i.o.n.!

Rahsia bulan kelahiran dr Dr. Fadhilah Kamsah:-


  1. berfikiran jauh dan berwawasan ( maybe )
  2. mudah ditawan kerana sikap baik ( ye kott )
  3. perangai lemah lembut ( lembut cmne tu?? )
  4. mudah berubah sikap ( of coz )
  5. sangat banyak idea ( sakit otak )
  6. bersikap sensitif ( depend )
  7. otak sentiasa aktif berfikir ( pecah kepala )
  8. sukar melakukan sesuatu dengan segera,
    suka menanguh-nangguh ( taw xpe, haha )
  9. sikap pemilih kerana selalu inginkan yang terbaik dan cerewet ( taw xpe, haha )
  10. cepat marah dan cepat sejuk ( btol neh tp benci la )
  11. suka bercakap dan berdebat ( slalo b'debat )
  12. suka buat lawak dan bergurau ( raja lawak kn, hahaha )
  13. otak cerdas dan berangan-rangan ( mungkin kot )
  14. mudah dan pandai berkawan ( ya ialah ~ suka bangat )
  15. orangnya sangat tertib ( mak saya ajar )
  16. pandai mempamerkan sikap ( tah, no komen )
  17. mudah kecil hati ( ye kew? )
  18. mudah terkena selesema ( jarang kot )
  19. suka berkemas ( wajib~! )
  20. cepat rasa bosan ( taw xpe, so teman kn la..haha )
  21. kurang pamerkan perasaan ( ye pemendam perasaan )
  22. lambat sembuh bila terluka hati ( ye jugak )
  23. suka barangan berjenama ( mesti la, sume org suka )
  24. mudah jadi eksekutif ( xkeje lg )
  25. kedegilan yang tidak terkawal ( degil ke aku?? confuse! )
  26. siapa yang memuji saya adalah musuh saya,
    siapa yang menegur saya adalah kawan saya( depends la )

p/s:-pndgan anda ttg saya sama x cam kat atas??

Friday, January 16, 2009


Mimpi 'itu' tersangatlah indah...Mimpi 'itu' kerap sekali muncul disetiap malam ku...mungkin bukan selalu tp mimpi itu m'permainkan aku..terima kasih mimpi!


Since you've been gone my life is not the same anymore! Empty! No more place to share everything ~ to make a confession! Although dis is a new year but i'm still da same, nothings change while u hv starting ur new life & already forgetting me...Unfortunately, I juz can't get u out of my head due to our special relationship + too many sweet memories! hmm


Here a list of my fav. songs for dis time being:-

  1. Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You
  2. 6ixth Sense - Tanpa
  3. Agnes Monica - Matahariku
  4. Jason Mraz - Lucky
  5. Ramlah Ram - Ketentuan
  6. Aizat - Sahabat


Promises? Sweet word? What's da point of promises or sweet word if it mean to be broken?? B'coz of your promises, sweet word, i am suffering a lot...i dunno why each time we noe someone & get close, no matter in friendship or love..we owez give promises & sweet word..but why after a years or more u broke da promises? u forget ur sweet word? Even worst those who still hold da promises? still remember da sweet word? what will happen to them? yezz it so damn hurt! Bcoz of dis fucking promises, it will cause depression to the one who not guilty , the one who still believe da promises! It is hard 2 forget everything dat hv been share together...the life we had! Maybe for those who broke da promises, they easy get new substitute..while them happily wit da new one we are miserable thinking of what happen ~ thinking of da sweet memory ~ thinking of them! But what about us dat still hold da promises? how cruel they are! what's the point of giving hope while u can't hold poor i poor for those who still hold da promises? we are in the same boat! Most worst part is we can't erase the's not dat easy! what shud we do? how long we gonna hold dis promises? hmm maybe we will never forget them 4 da whole life! how "fair" dis life is.. ;(

p/s:-thanx 4 da sweet memory ~ thanx 4 da promises & da sweet word! thanx 4 broke it ;)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Q & A~!

Q: Which language dat u prefer to use to write dis blog??
A: Depends! But most of da time English lorr..yeah!

Q: Why u prefer Eng. rather than B.M?
A: Dis is day way 2 improve ma Eng.
i noe dat i'm not perfect in Eng. but i'm trying..
dats y i prefer English rather than BM

Q: Are u not afraid of others laughing at u
bcoz of ur broken Eng.?
A: Sometimes ya ~ but i rather not to care bout
what others people think
I am learning & will owez learning in da future,
so what's da point of being ashamed ~ huh??

Q: There's anyone influence u in ur writing?
A: Yeah of coz la ~ she juz a normal person in myspace!
Her writing is awesome! (Myspace Blog)

Q: What does make u think dat her blog is awesome?
A: Hmm ~ the way she present da blog, the content &
especially her Eng. Perfect kot!

Q: Besides BM & Eng..which language u wants 2 learn?
A: I wish i could learn Cantonese & Spanish (Mexico)
language ~ can or not?? hahaa

Q: Why you prefer dis two language??
A: I like 2 watch Hong Kong & Mexico ( Latino ) dramas!
Probably go on tour to their country..ahakz²!

Q: Can u write some word (Cantonese & Spanish ) that u noe..?
A: Hmm Cantonese cannot la...coz it's hard 2 spell in
Alphabet but easy 2 pronounce! yea ;p
Spanish = Hola, como estás? Estoy bien, y tú? Muchas graciás!

Q: Where did u learn all those word?
A: By watching their drama on tv lorr~! But Cantonese,
i do learn from my Chinese frenz...&
sometimes i even speak Cantonese with them...hahaa..

p/s: I create all dis Q & i'm juz trying different way 2 deliver my point! if u want 2 use dis Q & A juz copy it ok ~ i dun mind ;D

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Sekadar renungan, bkn motor ego ye...Makna ego adalah sifat keperibadian manusia yg menganggap diri sndiri sbg istimewa, b'megah @ lebih tepat sikap mementingkan diri sendiri. Sifat ego dimiliki oleh setiap insan dimuka bumi ini, yg m'bezakan adalah setinggi mana ego seseorang itu...Persoalannya adakah ego ini sesuatu yg baik @ sebaliknya...?? Aku sendiri tidak mengerti dari mana datangnya ego itu...adakah secara semulajadi? wallahualam!

Bagi aku ego ini adalah penyakit di dalam kehidupan terutama melibatkan perhubungan sesama manusia tidak kira kekeluargaan, persahabatan, percintaan, kejiranan & sebagainya...Ego ibarat duri tajam yg menikam jiwa & boleh menyebabkan seseorang mengalami kesakitan yg amat yakni sakit hati/jiwa..Kerana ego porak perandal lah sesebuah perhubungan itu...Ego selalu datang apabila b'laku sesuatu spt seseorang itu mendapat kejayaan, kekayaan @ pergolakan didalam p'hubungan...Tp disini aku ingin menyentuh tentang p'hubungan la, kerana ego lebih b'kait rapat dgn p'hubungan..Sukar utk memberi penjelasan ttg ego ini... Tp memandangkan pengalaman sendiri & kawan², dapat aku nyatakan disini ego mmg penyakit yg sukar ditangani.. jarang sekali sesuatu hub. itu dpt dijernihkan dlm 1 hari kerana sifat ego yg sudah t'tanam didlm diri...kerana ego sesuatu masalah akan b'lanjutan sehingga b'kurun lamanya... adakalanya sehingga m'jadi dendam...@ lbh tepat segala hubungan akan berakhir...Perlukah semua ini t'jadi...?

"Sebagai cth aku & kawan aku di form 4 (2002) ~ kami boleh dikatakn rapat gak la..g skolah b'sama, m'jd pengawas sek. & slalu lepak b'sama...& tanpa diduga hny krn 1 salah faham aku & dia tidak b'kwan selama 2 tahun++...lamakn..? ini semua krn ego msg2 yg xmau alhamdulillah hr raya (2004) telah menyatukan kami sehingga skrg masih lg b'hubungan... "

Apakah ada ubat utk mengatasi ego...ya mmg ada...ubat bg ego adalah mengalah...jika anda syg kan sesuatu hub. itu anda haruslah mengalah wlpn anda berada dipihak yg benar...krn apabila kita mengalah sesuatu hub. itu mungkin dpt diteruskan & kekal b'panjangan...berusahalah utk m'perbaiki sesuatu p'hub. itu utk hidup yg lebih aman & harmoni...kerana bukan mudah utk m'pertahankan sesebuah p'hub! Seandainya sesuatu hub. itu tidak dpt diselamatkan, jgnlah pula kita menyimpan dendam atau sifat amarah krn ia tidak elok utk diri sndiri...terimalah segala ketentuan illahi dgn hati t'buka wlpn begitu sukar...apatah lg utk melupakan seseorg yg pernah hadir m'beri sinar di dlm kehidupan apakan daya kehidupan harus diteruskan....
mungkin didepanmu ada kebahagiaan yg menanti? siapa tahu kn...b'sabar dlm menempuh dugaan hidup...

Kesimpulannya, buanglah sifat ego ini jauh dari kehidupan kita...mungkin lbh afdal jika saya mengatakan jika ego pun biarlah b'tempat...Dengan ini saya juga akan cuba m'buang sifat ego yg menapak didlm diri ini ~ insyaallah...anda mampu mengubahnya! ;p

p/s:-jika penyampaian aku ttg ego ini salah harap maaf ya..& tlg bg pndpt anda ttg ego neh!

Monday, January 12, 2009

T.r.u.e. F.r.i.e.n.d~!

What is da meaning of friends? Do we need friends at all? In my observation, everyone in dis world, we can call friends rite? As long as we noe them even in one day only. Maybe we meet them by coincidence!

Friends come & go everyday…Friends will leave us when they discover a new one or when they have bf/gf…Friends will find us when they are alone…Friends also stab us from behind…Friends are like shirt ~ we change it everyday!

In Friendship, honest & loyalty are most important! For me I don’t need a friend in this world…I just need a person dat I can call him True Friend!

True Friend will never leave us….True Friend never betrays us…they always with us in any situation whether good or bad…True Friend will always stand by your side…True Friend are permanent! we can’t change them, we cannot find them everyday! True Friend is forever.

No matter how many your friends, True Friend are most valuable…its better we have 1 True Friend rather than 1000 000 friend! So appreciate your True Friend ;)

Saturday, January 10, 2009


i noe everyone in dis fucking world noe what happened in Palestin! As Muslim i really sad coz i hv nothing 2 help them, to release their pain! Only doa for palestin! I almost crying when i saw those picture especially the small kid crying..injured or dead! i dunno what else to say.. coz there is no used while they at palestin suffering a lot! it's so damn hurt to me...there is no mercy! Israel are so fucking damn cruel!!! Laknat ~ May Allah protect palestin & downward big disaster to Israel! Amin...

*So we as Malaysian people should live happily in dis peaceful country without fighting to each respect each other & take dis tragedy as a lesson! Dun make Malaysia as 2nd Palestin! Peace yaw!


to all my frenz, i dun care anymore....i dun care what u said...i dun care what u think... i juz dun care!!! if u hate me go 2 hell...if u like me...i'll treat u nicely...n etc! i hv learn something "luv myself more than anyone else"

"biarlah bukan dirimu tp diriku!"


Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Muhamad Nur Faiz Bin Mohd Zamri

Faiz @ Izz / 6 years old

His pic playing 'Counter Strike'

i dunno which title would be suitable for dis i put influence..At 1st i want 2 put modernity, or new era as da title but i think it more 2 if u read dis u decide urself which one u prefer or u give me another title... ok! hahaha... So, here i want 2 share u about my younger brother name faiz who is 6 years old dis year..The story is, he start playing computer when he was in 4 or 5 years old...& what is most shocking about dis is, he is playing 'Counter Strike' & a few other games..such as 'Hamster Ball', 'Bus Driver' & etc... i dunno what u think..but for me it's quite impressive! Compare 2 me, during my childhood! I played 'galah panjang', & different..i noe dis is new era..era of technology..but what da effect to him in da future?? Is dat good influence or bad influence? I noe there are advantages & disadvantages... Luckily he owez seek ma permission to play computer..if i forbid him, he will cry! sometimes i persuade him to watch tv especially his fav. cartoon 'Hagemaru'...but not everytime i 'b'jaya' persuade him! Furthermore he can opened the computer of his what shoul i do? is dis gud for him or not? what do u think..? but sometimes i played 2gether-gether wit him..haha..for dis meantime it's ok lorr, coz i can control him..if one day..i move out from my house? i'm afraid dat he will lazy 2 study in da future bcoz too focus playing computer tepuk dada sakit kot! ngok ngek tul..hahaaa..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

W.e. A.r.e. T.o.o. B.l.a.m.e!!

afta all dis years..afta what have we been through...i hv nothing to say..I may have failed but i admit frenz like u are impossible to find...ya so impossible!! U r too nice & kind... Unfortunately something happened...In the end, i am loss coz losing u...yeah it's hurt...but what can i do? everything is over! i dunno what else will makes us back together as frenz... dunno! coz both of us so stubborn ~ maybe! & We are too blame!! But U r da one who neglecting this friendship~! I'm not accusing u but dis is da causes of our broken friendship!! Like u said I'm too obsess (really?)! if it's true my obsession won't hurt will be a bonus 2 u...U r lucky 2 hv me dat really care bout u...maybe it's not enough! For me our friendship is da most VALUABLE thing in dis world! but i dunno ur side..maybe i'm worthless?? who knows? if possible to us to get back & rebuild dis friendship again, i dun mind coz I'm still da same person u've known b4 dis...& i hope u change the way u treat me! or else we never regain dis friendship anymore ~ never! If there is no chances to rebuild dis friendship, i'll try to accept my fate! But one thing for sure i will never forget u coz we are like isi & kuku...u r juz like my brother to me! How can i ignoring our friendship dat hv maintain over 3 years! So whatever it is i wish u gud luck & hepy owez! thanks for everything..thanks 4 da friendship...daa~!!


hmm it's been for 6 month i'm jobless..luckily da 4 month i still get mara allowance so i dun bother not working...but now i'm very worried coz no more mara i hv to find a job 2 support my expenses...hmm i've been searching for a job through paper..internet & survey around da november i got 1 interview in government sector as Office Boy..i dun care the it is i get experience being interview by the director of Tourism Malaysia Kuantan Branches..& 2 others assistant..unluckily i dun get the job...maybe too many competitors..u noe how hard to get working in government..?? I also get called from Majlis Perbandaran Kuantan but not for interview but for 'Interview Qualification Test'..if i success the test, they will call for interview...but until now there is noe news from MPK..i think i fail the test coz too many question i couldn't answer...hahaa..General Question ma..about olympic, minister, & essay..furthermore there are 100++ candidate! Now i get one more interview for Executive IT position..2morrow i will go to the office..private sector! hmm i hope i get the job...if not i dunno where else i need 2 find a job..maybe i go interview for cashier in super market lorr..i gain money 1st then make a move to Kuala Lumpur to find another better job.. if Allah willing la...hmm

Actually i do want to further study..i already applying UITM & uniKL but unfortunately my application being rejected by UITM..maybe i'm not clever enough...but uniKL do except my application...unluckily da letter from uniKL arrived a litle bit late...i was in KL at the moment for 4 days so i dun hv enough time to settle dat borang...coz da due date was i've make a big decision to postponed my study 1st & find a job...maybe dis year i'll try to apply study at UPM...i hope i will more lucky in dis application....but for dis time being i need 2 find a job 1st..orite please pray for me keh...hahaa..

Monday, January 5, 2009

J.a.t.u.h C.i.n.t.a.~!

bhs omputihnya falling in luv..hahaa...nk cite la sket since when i knal apa itu CINTA & apa tindakan aku pas2...(ada tindakan ke?) haaha..erm 1st time aku jatuh cinta when i was in standard 4...bdak pompuan tu bleh tahan la chumelnya...coz almost of da boy minat kat die... minah rebutan la katakan..haha..kbtulan darjah 4 tu aku 1 klass ngan die..erm mmg gile la aku.. tp bdk2 lg kn..xberani nk luah..apatah lg i'm not dat gorgeous~! huhu..aku perhatikn dr jauh je.. then ms darjah 5 aku ada knal sorang dak laki ni..mmg tampan b'gaya la..aku close gak la.. pengawas sekolah..then gossip b'tiup kencang mengatakan die kaple ngan gurl yg aku minat tu.. hmm aku dgn pura2 (wat xkesah la) siap usik mengusik lg membe aku tuh...aku pasrah la..coz die lg layak smpai darjah 6 la aku pendam perasaan..mcm² cerita aku dgr..die kaple ngan bdak tu la..bdak ni la..lama kelamaan aku pown da xkesah sgt..aku lbh fokus kpd sukan..coz masa tu aku aktif...wakil skolah...olahraga..bola baling...x sangka zaman aku skolah rendah bdak² da pndai b'cintan cintun ni...

nek form 1 aku jatuh cinta lg..ngan dak klas aku gak..muka bleh tahan...sedap la mata memandang... tp pemalu bile aku borak ngan die ok la..kelakar gak die..aku suka renung mata die..coz wat aku hilang arah...haha..smpai kadang² die perasan aku pndang mata die..die elak..haha..xtaw la sbb apa kn..maybe i'm not dat spt bese la pendam perasaan lg...smpai la form2 1 klass ngan die lg..apatah lg die duk blkng aku je..mmg slalu la aku pusing blkg wat keje skolah ke...borak2 sbb aku ni mmg xkn luah kn aku diam je la... juz aku layan ngan baik je la die...then die pindah skolah ms form dlm thn yg sama (form 2) aku ada minat ngan sorang lg pompuan... die ni mmg cun la pd masa minat je la..nk menaruh harapan tu xde la...coz da taw i'm not handsome..kang org kata beauty & da beast lak form 3 & 4 aku xingat la aku ada jatuh cinta ke form 5 ye.. 1 klass gak..aku mmg slalu la ngan gurl ni..g skolah balik skolah..g klas tambahan..sume b'sama..nk pggil cikgu kat bilik guru pown aku ajak die teman..haha..aku mmg dekat la ngan die..smpai org tny kaple kew? aku jwb la, "eh xla..mana ada..kwn je"...aku sembunyi lg perasaan la sapa la aku.. x sekacak org len...smpai la abez SPM trus lost contact..jumpa pown jarang la masing² bwk haluan kn....

yg kat Kolej aku xleh la nk cite coz yg ikut blog aku ni ada dak kolej..kang kantoi lak..hahaa.. tp mmg ada la aku jatuh cinta tp spt bese pendam je la...

so kesimpulannya, seumur hidup aku ni aku xpernah b' aku xkesah...mmg kdg² tu jeles gak tgk org kaple² nih...nak gak tu la..aku pown xtaw knp aku ni..maybe aku memilih kot..nk yg chantek la sapa xnk yg chantek kn?? if xchantek pown sedap mata memandang jd la...haha..apatah lg aku ni mmg xensem..gemock...bkn pdng rendah diri sndiri tp kenyatan...pompuan pun nk yg ensem je kn...wlpn die hodoh tp die pown ada perasaan nk kaple ngan yg ensem....then aku xberani b'terus terang..aku takut si dia xterima (malu beb) then hub. persahabatan jd renggang...lgpown aku da tanam 1 azam dlm diri sejak kecil lg yg aku xnk b'cinta coz nk fokus bantu kuarga lu...bls jasa ibu bapa...lg 1 bile tgk experience membe² sndirikn...b'cinta bgai nk rak tp akhirnya b'cinta kentut wangi tp time diambang p'pisahan..mcm2 la...yg aku plg tensen skali jika aku pown t'libat sama..jd org tgh menyusah kn tu...krn itu la aku lbh rela jd single..if nk b'cinta sgt...kawen je trus lg bgs..b'cinta selepas kawen...lg baek tah la..aku pown xpasti...yg aku pasti akan tiba masanya aku b'cinta..cuma bile tu xtaw la...@ xb'peluang lgsg krn ajal t'lebih dahulu m'jemput ku.. wallahualam..!

*missed someone lorr..who will dat be??* hahaa

Sunday, January 4, 2009


i'm looking 4 something...something dat will make my life cheerful...but what is dat? ( not including my family ya ) they will owez be on my top in my heart.."Air Dicincang Takkan Putus"....hmm besides family...frenz & lover also can cheer up our life...rite?

Am i looking 4 a girlfriend?? nopp la..but sometimes i think i should find someone dat will fullfil my empty heart...dat will give love dat i need...attention...etc! Unfortunately i'm not ready 2 face da 'World of Love' have a's too complicated...its lot of's need a lot of commitments...especially 24/7 sms-ing ++ calling² annoying...for dis time being single is much better..maybe..! i'm not so sure bout dis..hmm so confusing...make me dizzy think bout love..juz look around example is my frenz...couple for 3 4 years finally broke up?? y? what a waste..! dats y i rarely talk bout luv...b'coz its so subjective...different people different opinion...& dis matter can make u fight wit ur frenz..for me..dun bother urself...!

so if not a girlfren then what am i looking 4? yeah i'm looking 4 "Persahabatan Sejati"...but where? Are 'True friendship' exist?? it's not easy 2 find someone dat sincerely accept me they way i am...inside & outside...sharing everything...dat really need me like i need 'isi dgn kuku'..i prefer my 'BFFL' were male cause it more easy 2 communicate & sharing...if female better she be my gf lorr...hahaa..i am wondering if i can find someone dat hv da same common wit me...i'm not hoping 4 da best or da perfect one...i juz hope dat he will be there when i was hepy..sad.. worries..pain & can do anything together-gether such as shopping, camping.. travelling & etc..i will treat him nicely...I''ll give my very best..And i hope he will treat me NICELY too & FAIRLY if he have a girlfrenz...but if he is single it would be much better...coz i dun hv 2 help him in luv matter...haha...As a conclusion...i really hope someday i will find someone dat sincere to be ma 'BFFL'...n befriend smpai ke surga..huuhu ;D......if other people praising LOVE but for me FRIENDSHIP is more valueable..! daa~

p/s:- i dun care if u think i'm too much about dis~! none of ur bisnes..juz shut ur fucking mouth!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009



Hari nie 3.1.2009 sempena besday membe aku (akmal @ along )...kami b'main bowling b'sama² seramai 7 org...6 lelaki 1 gurl...kami b'main 2 game jew + guna 2 cross game la so 1st game besday boy juare..dgn jatuhan pin 113...aku lak 103 jew...ingatkn aku daa...coz aku org p'tama strike..then pas2 ada la 2 lg strike tp malangnya kalah 2nd game aku mau tebus kekalahan..pd p'mulaan game aku agak teruk la mmg da kecewa da..coz 1st frame 3 pin je jatuh coz masuk longkang masa 1st aku ttp kn semangat aku tuk menang...frame ke-4 aku strike tuk kali p' semangat aku dtg kembali...da dpt rasa sinar kejuaraan tu..hahaa..diikuti strike frame ke-6 dan seterusnya strike frame ke 8 & 9....then last ball jatuhan pin aku pd game ke 2 ialah 128....& sah la aku pemenang tuk 2nd bg aku teruk gak la...coz da lama x men..slalunya 140 jatuhan pin & keatas..
spare pown 1x je dlm 2 game tu...hmm i need more practice la kot..hahaa..aku mmg minat sgt men bowling wlpn bukan profesional...ok la here i put some pic..spt bese la kabur coz camera hp jew...x mampu nk bli kamera idaman nikon...hahaha..

Dari kiri (b'diri) : - Dean & aku~!
(duduk) :- Epiq & Besday Boy ( akmal @ along )

ni aku la...jauh je pic...
cam ape tah..tonggek baek punya..hahaa..

Epiq dgn balingan super saiya nya..hahaha....

Ejoo 1st time men katanya...
tp not bad la... usaha tangga esculator..
ahakz.. ;D

Dean compete wit epiq..
so funny...huhuhu..

ni talib...die ni ok gak la...
juz balingan x konsisten je...
klu konsisten lingkup aku.. ;p

ni result 2nd game..
aku amek yg aku nya je la..

eh pic besday boy baling xde ek...
xpe la..aku pown xperasan..
ingat da game abez dlm kul 10mlm
pastu kami compete men daytona lak..
ala game lumba kete tu...aku kalah tmpt ke 5..
tp bkn yg terakhir la..haha...then g lepaking
smpai umah kul 1pg...daa~!

Friday, January 2, 2009


Today Story~!

Today is juz another day..nothing special..As usual wake up..on9..watching t.v..eating..& bla3x

Suddenly my cousin arrived at 6 o'clock..So unexpected~! Lepaking + watching Raja Lawak Season 1 (finale)..recorded ok..Astro Maxx..for half an hour...then at 6.30 p.m..he ask me company him to "Pasar Malam".. so i follow him..the "Pasar Malam" was not too far..juz take 5 minutes from my house if jalan kaki.. but td we go by car...too fast too furious la.. hahaa...then tawaf 1 psr malam & buy food++...& balik..

Continue mom prepared "Tea Tarik" + makan...makan...and makan... after dat he tell me dat he want 2 go..jalan² kat town...( Megamall ) he ask me 2 follow i go la.. my younger brother also ikut us... then we jalan² in Megamall.. belek² baju...dvd's & etc...And i ask them 2 belek² baju at Parkson we go there..Parkson Ria kat underground la..hahaa..afta jln² in Parkson.. i stopped at SODA outlet belek² lg..i find 1 bj dat attract me to buy...hehe...after a few minutes of thinking..i make a decision 2 buy dat cloth ~ almaklum la xde wit.. kene la pk 1ox..silap aribulan aku yg merana...hahaa...luckily dat baju hv 50% discount From RM59.00 jd RM29.50... so ok la..afta buy dat baju we go 2 WATSON 2 buybody stuff such as deodorant n bla..bla..bla... then finally he sent me arini aktiviti gak la.. x la boring sitting at home 24/7 kn... + rainy all da here da baju ~ saja nk tunjuk..hahaa.. ;D

A part of da design..V neck..
1st new baju of dis year

look at da Harga ~ 50% discount la..


Thursday, January 1, 2009


Family Day + Aunt's Besday +
New Year Celebration
Date:- 01.01.2009
Venue:- Tanah Putih ( My Kampung )
Time :- 12.00 p.m

Our Chef of da day
my "Paklong"


"Ikan Merah Sweet Sour"

"Sotong Percik"
~Besau sotongnya

"Ikan Kerapu Stim"

"Sayur Campur + Cendawan"

"Sup Sayur"

++ DESERT ++


"Koktel +
Vanilla Ice Cream"


"Selamat Hari Jadi MakJang"

"Cake ni xtaw la nama apa
tp ada ice cream keladi "
best gak coz die b'lapis²...
selang seli ice cream n cake..


"Hamper tuk budak² yg pose penuh
+ stdy gempak"...bkn dpt adiah je
angpaw pown aku xdpt
coz aku da beso...adik aku yg PMR dpt
RM150 + Hamper coz dpt 7A 1B...
jelesnya aku...hahaha ;p


"ni la aksi mkn beramai²...pic aku xde coz
aku la photographer nya kn..erm
sory pic kabur sket..almaklum la juz guna
hp motorola je not nikon..huhu

So acara abez kul 5 aku pulang kerumah
kul 11 mlm...lepaking lu..b'bual²..
bukan selalu b'kumpul sedara - mara neh..
eh aku je yg xslalu ~ yg lain setiap minggu dtg..
hahaa..lgpown paklong aku tu mmg suka memasak..
so kerap jugak ar die wat mkn²...
so 1.1.2009 ku terisi la dgn aktiviti ni...x la busan
Hepi b'main ngan budak² ~ bak kata fushi
"dunia botol susu.."
k la setakat ni tuk arini..
bye² ...

N.e.w Y.e.a.r!!

Yeah! 1st & foremost thanx 2 Allah for giving me
dis opportunity living in dis NEW YEAR 2009...
Hope dis new year will bring me happiness..
and more success in whatever i do...
may i more lucky in dis year...
especially in my career and financial...

In dis year i dun hv any plan or target..
(tipu)...hahaaa..juz kidding
maybe i'll try 2 be different..
maybe more sucks~!
or juz da same person..
da old daus..

And whatever it is..
lets Rock da world..
peace yaw~!!