Thursday, February 5, 2009


yeah epi..u r totally rite..i hv to be positive in every single way..Positive to face my fucking life! I owez positive in everything but sometimes when something unexpected occurs i can't hold on anymore..i am alone face everything...i owez dissemble my real feeling! But it's ok coz i'm not dat i promise to myself to be 'epi' in whatever i do..& yeah dat's what myself really am. I love making jokes n entertain my frens...maybe bcoz of dats i owez smile although in the same time i hv 2 face some problems..from dat i get the strength to face it...i remember one word.. 'Smile owez & da world will smile back at u'. I noe dat i shud not being too emotional and lose my rasional thinking..The most important thing is i hv to learn how to FORGET & LET GO! Dis is da harderst part in my life but what can i do, life must go on..& everything dat happens to me, i take it as a lesson for me to face da POSITIVE DAUSZ! :)


Anonymous said...

aku sahabat mu sentiasa ada untukmu... menyokong mu, dalam setiap doa ku... be positive.... yeah... may u always hepi and hepi and hepi...

Anonymous said...

aku sbg sahabatmu sentiasa ada untukmu.. menyokong segala tindakanmu, asalkan kau bahagia... may u always be hepi and hepi and hepi.. be positive dude..

- mista dausz - said...

yezz of coz
positive all da time!

BadekGonzalez said...

sometimes we just need to be like dust in d wind
following d time
life is too short to b pissed
just be happy
be optimistic
we just need to ride the lightning n kill em all!!!

go daus go!!!

- mista dausz - said...

orite badek..thank
u word is fucking acceptable..
maybe i dun need to be pissed off
juz hepy all da time..
no matter what happen!